House Hunting Mistakes to Avoid
There are many houses for sale in Drummoyne, NSW. In fact, if you start your search now at Warwick Williams Real Estate, you’ll find plenty of options to choose from. But there are a few things you need to remember to find the home of your dreams. These are mistakes that you need to avoid while house hunting. And yes, this applies to all, whether you’re a first-time homebuyer or not. That’s why to help you avoid these pitfalls, we’ve listed down the common house hunting mistakes. Keep this in mind, so you can make a more practical decision when purchasing a new property.
Disregarding affordability
It’s to the point of completely disregarding what you can afford per se. Instead, it’s not knowing what you can afford. This is mainly attributed to how home buyers start to disregard a property’s affordability if they fall in love with the place. So instead of thinking about how it would feel nice to soak in the jetted bathtub at the end of the bay, consider first whether you can afford the whole place.
Never look at places out of your price range because it will only hurt you when you realise you can afford it or hurt your savings if you push with purchasing it. Our suggestion would be to look at the low end of your price range. Then, when you find a variety of options there, there is no need to go higher.
Not continuing your search.
We mentioned above how it’s best to be realistic with your options, but this does not mean you have to compromise there and then if you find a suitable property. Instead, decide to shop around more. For instance, just because a condo is cheaper than a house doesn’t mean it’s the best option since you may have problems sharing a wall with neighbours.
When house hunting in neighbourhoods, you may find similar homes with the same features. But if you’re looking for custom homes, there are plenty of others with generally the same features or close to it. Shopping around is the best way to help you avoid making rash decisions. House hunting may require practicality, but there’s no harm in keeping your options open to find only the best home.
Forgoing Real Estate Agents
A serious home buyer will always count on the help of real estate agents. These people follow the ethical rule of working in the best interest of both their clients: the seller and the buyer. But, of course, it’s also best to have your own agent than relying only on a seller’s agent, so you are in a great position when it’s time to bargain.
Not considering the neighbourhood.
When choosing a good property location, the neighbourhood is one of the top factors to consider. Many first time home buyers only look at what the house offers and not the area surrounding it. There are three features to look for in a neighbourhood such as appearance, accessibility, and amenities. The parks, trees, and landscaping are some of the things that make up an ideal neighbourhood with a good impression. Accessibility determines whether it’s easy for you to access your property and the whole neighbourhood itself. You’ll have to ensure that it has easy access to public transportation and that private vehicles have a designated path to reach your property. This takes away the stress of daily transportation. And, finally, there’s also the amenities which are the stores, shops, and restaurants that you can easily go to for necessities. Also, you have to look at schools, hospitals, and any future developments for other commercial buildings.
As you can see, there are many things to look at when house hunting. So, when you’re ready to start your journey of finding houses for sale in Drummoyne, NSW, make sure to hire the services of experienced real estate agents at